In this project, I developed a recreation of the Gentse Feesten website, guided by the original design. Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I meticulously replicated various pages, including Home, Day Detail, Event Detail, News, and Search pages. To ensure an authentic look and feel, I integrated visual elements using local resources such as logos, icons, and images. Additionally, I implemented data loading via APIs for events, categories, and news, bringing dynamic content to the site.
The recreated Gentse Feesten website is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring a seamless and consistent experience for visitors across different devices. The website features dynamic content, allowing for interactive elements, event filtering by categories and locations, and optimized search functionality.
In this project, I enhanced my web development skills by creating an interactive and responsive website. I gained experience in API integration, loading and displaying data dynamically, and ensuring the website provides a consistent user experience across various devices. I also focused on accessibility by using Artevelde's Reset.css for a uniform style and including accessibility settings for font sizes.